A robbery – one is hacking the server, second is counting the gold coins, third is following the schedule and fourth is waving them from the car to hurry up


Besides professional competencies, what do we most need to feel calm, confident, and satisfied? What allows us to build confidence and be positive? For us, this is honesty and respect. But behind these concepts there are often no specific words and actions, so here is what we strive for.

  • to consider other people's opinions and preferences and show understanding
  • to value the time, effort and passion people put into work
  • not to try to manipulate
  • to give choice
  • to share an objective opinion
  • not to cover up negative results

Our Code of ethics provides the moral and ethical norms and rules of conduct in our relations, and we rely on each of our employees to never compromise our ethics and values under any circumstances. In this way, we protect the image, reputation and culture of Soft Communications.